When you are at work, do you get frustrated because things don't seem to be happening the way they’re supposed to be? You see people milling around but nothing gets accomplished. And in the daily hustle and bustle, do you feel that your goals remain just that – goals. Then maybe its time for you to stand up and do something about it.
Most people are content just to stand around listening for orders. And it isn't unusual to adopt a follow-the-leader mentality. But maybe, somewhere inside of you, you feel the desire to make things happen – to be the head, not the tail. Then maybe leadership just suits you fine.
Some people believe that great leaders are made, not born. Yes, it may be true that some people are born with natural talents. However, without practice, without drive, without enthusiasm, and without experience, there can be no true development in leadership.
You must also remember that good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their natural skills. This takes a commitment to constantly improve in whatever endeavor a person chooses.
First of all, let's define leadership. To be a leader, one must be able to influence others to accomplish a goal, or an objective. He contributes to the organization and cohesion of a group.
Contrary to what most people believe, leadership is not about power. It is not about harassing people or driving them using fear. It is about encouraging others towards the goal of the organization. It is putting everyone on the same page and helping them see the big picture of the organization. You must be a leader not a boss.
First of all, you have to get people to follow you. How is this accomplished?
People follow others when they see a clear sense of purpose. People will only follow you if they see that you know where you are going. Remember that bumper sticker? The one that says, don't follow me, I'm lost too? The same holds true for leadership. If you yourself do not know where you're headed to, chances are people will not follow you at all.
You yourself must know the vision of the organization. Having a clear sense of hierarchy, knowing who the bosses are, who to talk to, the organization's goals and objectives, and how the organization works is the only way to show others you know what you are doing.
Being a leader is not about what you make others do. It's about who you are, what you know, and what you do. You are a reflection of what you're subordinates must be.
Studies have shown that one other bases of good leadership is the trust and confidence your subordinates have of you. If they trust you they will go through hell and high water for you and for the organization.
Trust and confidence is built on good relationships, trustworthiness, and high ethics.
The way you deal with your people, and the relationships you build will lay the foundation for the strength of your group. The stronger your relationship, the stronger their trust and confidence is in your capabilities.
Once you have their trust and confidence, you may now proceed to communicate the goals and objectives you are to undertake.
Communication is a very important key to good leadership. Without this you can not be a good leader. The knowledge and technical expertise you have must be clearly imparted to other people.
Also, you can not be a good leader and unless you have good judgment. You must be able to assess situations, weigh the pros and cons of any decision, and actively seek out a solution.
It is this judgment that your subordinates will come to rely upon. Therefore, good decision-making is vital to the success of your organization.
Leaders are not do-it-all heroes. You should not claim to know everything, and you should not rely upon your skills alone.
You should recognize and take advantage of the skills and talents your subordinates have. Only when you come to this realization will you be able to work as one cohesive unit.
Remember being a leader takes a good deal of work and time. It is not learned overnight. Remember, also, that it is not about just you. It is about you and the people around you.
So, do you have the drive and the desire to serve required of leaders? Do you have the desire to work cooperatively with other people? Then start now. Take your stand and be leader today.
Lets start LEADING
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Leaders come in different flavors
Much has been written about leadership: rules, pointers, styles, and biographies of inspiring leaders
throughout world history. But there are certain leadership ideas that we ourselves fail to recognize
and realize in the course of reading books. Here is a short list of things you thought you knew about
Leaders come in different flavors.
There are different types of leaders and you will probably encounter more than one type in your
lifetime. Formal leaders are those we elect into positions or offices such as the senators,
congressmen, and presidents of the local clubs. Informal leaders or those we look up to by virtue of
their wisdom and experience such as in the case of the elders of a tribe, or our grandparents; or by
virtue of their expertise and contribution on a given field such as Albert Einstein in the field of
Theoretical Physics and Leonardo da Vinci in the field of the Arts. Both formal and informal leaders
practice a combination of leadership styles.
·Lewin’s three basic leadership styles – authoritative, participative, and delegative
·Likert’s four leadership styles – exploitive authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative,
and participative
·Goleman’s six emotional leadership styles - visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic,
pacesetting, and commanding.
Lets start LEADING
throughout world history. But there are certain leadership ideas that we ourselves fail to recognize
and realize in the course of reading books. Here is a short list of things you thought you knew about
Leaders come in different flavors.
There are different types of leaders and you will probably encounter more than one type in your
lifetime. Formal leaders are those we elect into positions or offices such as the senators,
congressmen, and presidents of the local clubs. Informal leaders or those we look up to by virtue of
their wisdom and experience such as in the case of the elders of a tribe, or our grandparents; or by
virtue of their expertise and contribution on a given field such as Albert Einstein in the field of
Theoretical Physics and Leonardo da Vinci in the field of the Arts. Both formal and informal leaders
practice a combination of leadership styles.
·Lewin’s three basic leadership styles – authoritative, participative, and delegative
·Likert’s four leadership styles – exploitive authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative,
and participative
·Goleman’s six emotional leadership styles - visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic,
pacesetting, and commanding.
Lets start LEADING
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
6 Reasons Why Leaders Fail
1. They lose sight of what's important
Leaders are usually distinguished by their ability to "think big". But when their focus shifts, hey suddenly start thinking small. They micro manage, they get caught up in details better left to others, and they become consumed with the trivial and unimportant. The good work of leadership is usually a result of who the leader is. What the leader does flows naturally from inner vision and character. It is possible for the leader to become too action oriented and, in the process, lose touch with the more important development of self.
2. They fail to communicate effectively
A lack of focus and its resulting disorientation typically lead to poor communication. They begin to believe that truly committed followers automatically sense their goals and know what they want without being told. Misunderstanding is seen by such managers as a lack of effort on the listener's part rather than their own communication negligence.
3. They become driven by fear of failure.
When driven by the fear of failure, leaders are unable to take reasonable risks. They want to do only the tried and proven. Attempts at innovation that typically characterised their initial success, diminish and eventually disappear.
4. They lose their credibility
The highest principle of leadership is integrity. A leader's credibility is the result of two aspects, what they do and who they are, a discrepancy between these two aspects creates an integrity problem. When integrity ceases to be a leader's top priority, when achieving results becomes more important than the means to their achievements, that is the moment when a leader steps onto the slippery slope to failure.
5. They have poor self management
While leadership is invigorating, it is also tiring. Leaders who fail to take care of their physical, mental, social, spiritual, family and emotional needs are headed for disaster. It is absolutely vital that leaders continue to grow and develop in all areas of their life.
6. They lose sight of their vision
The hard work of leadership should be fulfilling and even fun. But when leaders lose sight of the vision that compelled them to accept the responsibility of leadership, they can find themselves working for causes that mean little to them. They must stick to what they love, what motivated them in the first place, to maintain leadership fulfilment.
Lets start LEADING
Leaders are usually distinguished by their ability to "think big". But when their focus shifts, hey suddenly start thinking small. They micro manage, they get caught up in details better left to others, and they become consumed with the trivial and unimportant. The good work of leadership is usually a result of who the leader is. What the leader does flows naturally from inner vision and character. It is possible for the leader to become too action oriented and, in the process, lose touch with the more important development of self.
2. They fail to communicate effectively
A lack of focus and its resulting disorientation typically lead to poor communication. They begin to believe that truly committed followers automatically sense their goals and know what they want without being told. Misunderstanding is seen by such managers as a lack of effort on the listener's part rather than their own communication negligence.
3. They become driven by fear of failure.
When driven by the fear of failure, leaders are unable to take reasonable risks. They want to do only the tried and proven. Attempts at innovation that typically characterised their initial success, diminish and eventually disappear.
4. They lose their credibility
The highest principle of leadership is integrity. A leader's credibility is the result of two aspects, what they do and who they are, a discrepancy between these two aspects creates an integrity problem. When integrity ceases to be a leader's top priority, when achieving results becomes more important than the means to their achievements, that is the moment when a leader steps onto the slippery slope to failure.
5. They have poor self management
While leadership is invigorating, it is also tiring. Leaders who fail to take care of their physical, mental, social, spiritual, family and emotional needs are headed for disaster. It is absolutely vital that leaders continue to grow and develop in all areas of their life.
6. They lose sight of their vision
The hard work of leadership should be fulfilling and even fun. But when leaders lose sight of the vision that compelled them to accept the responsibility of leadership, they can find themselves working for causes that mean little to them. They must stick to what they love, what motivated them in the first place, to maintain leadership fulfilment.
Lets start LEADING
effective leader,
Qualities of leader
How to be an inspirational Leader
(1) Inspirational leaders set the pace. One of the great examples of this is depicted in the movie We Were Soldiers, directed by Ronald Wallace and starring Mel Gibson as Lt. Col. Hal Moore. Prior to leaving for service in Vietnam, Moore delivers a moving speech to his troops. He says,
I can’t promise you that I will bring you all home alive, but this I swear: I will be the first one to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off. And I will leave no one behind. Dead, or alive, we all come home together.
Moore then literally fulfills this promise. He is the first one to step into battle and the last one to leave. This is real leadership.
True leaders don’t ask their people to do anything they are unwilling to do. They lead by example. They model the behavior they want others to manifest.
(2) Inspirational leaders believe in the future. They are able to paint a vivid picture of a different and better reality. They make it concrete, so people can see it, touch it, smell it, and taste it. They give people hope that things can be better, and they have a plan for making it so.
Regardless of what you think of his politics, Ronald Reagan was a master at this. He offered hope. In the late 1970s, as a result of high inflation and high interest rates, Americans were discouraged. Many were cynical. Some were saying that things couldn’t get better—this was simply the new reality and Americans needed to get used to it.
Reagan painted a different picture. He didn’t accept the status quo. He offered hope for “Morning in America,” a time of new beginnings. People bought into his vision, because they liked where he was going.
(3) Inspirational leaders connect people to the larger story. People want to know that their lives have meaning. They want to know that they are more than a cog in a machine. They want to know that their work matters.
True leaders connect them to a larger story—something big and significant. Something epic. John Eldredge, author of Wild at Heart and numerous other bestsellers, is a genius at this.
The ultimate story is, of course, God’s story. And, finding our place in His story is incredibly motivating. As leaders, our job is to help people understand that what they do, not only matters in this life, but in the life to come. It will “echo into eternity.”
(4) Inspirational leaders help people believe in themselves. We all get bumped and bruised as we go through life. Circumstances constantly conspire to undermine our esteem. It’s easy to lose heart—to begin doubting our ability to handle the challenges we face.
That’s why it is so refreshing to meet someone who believes in us and is willing to verbalize it. It gives us confidence that maybe we do have what it takes.
Great leaders—like great parents—help people believe in themselves. They look for opportunities to catch people doing something right. They focus on their people’s strengths, not their weaknesses. And, they have a knack for offering encouragement at strategic moments—when the team needs it.
Not everyone is in a position of leadership. But, as Robert the Bruce pointed out to his father, leadership is influence. And that is something all of us have.
Lets start LEADING
I can’t promise you that I will bring you all home alive, but this I swear: I will be the first one to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off. And I will leave no one behind. Dead, or alive, we all come home together.
Moore then literally fulfills this promise. He is the first one to step into battle and the last one to leave. This is real leadership.
True leaders don’t ask their people to do anything they are unwilling to do. They lead by example. They model the behavior they want others to manifest.
(2) Inspirational leaders believe in the future. They are able to paint a vivid picture of a different and better reality. They make it concrete, so people can see it, touch it, smell it, and taste it. They give people hope that things can be better, and they have a plan for making it so.
Regardless of what you think of his politics, Ronald Reagan was a master at this. He offered hope. In the late 1970s, as a result of high inflation and high interest rates, Americans were discouraged. Many were cynical. Some were saying that things couldn’t get better—this was simply the new reality and Americans needed to get used to it.
Reagan painted a different picture. He didn’t accept the status quo. He offered hope for “Morning in America,” a time of new beginnings. People bought into his vision, because they liked where he was going.
(3) Inspirational leaders connect people to the larger story. People want to know that their lives have meaning. They want to know that they are more than a cog in a machine. They want to know that their work matters.
True leaders connect them to a larger story—something big and significant. Something epic. John Eldredge, author of Wild at Heart and numerous other bestsellers, is a genius at this.
The ultimate story is, of course, God’s story. And, finding our place in His story is incredibly motivating. As leaders, our job is to help people understand that what they do, not only matters in this life, but in the life to come. It will “echo into eternity.”
(4) Inspirational leaders help people believe in themselves. We all get bumped and bruised as we go through life. Circumstances constantly conspire to undermine our esteem. It’s easy to lose heart—to begin doubting our ability to handle the challenges we face.
That’s why it is so refreshing to meet someone who believes in us and is willing to verbalize it. It gives us confidence that maybe we do have what it takes.
Great leaders—like great parents—help people believe in themselves. They look for opportunities to catch people doing something right. They focus on their people’s strengths, not their weaknesses. And, they have a knack for offering encouragement at strategic moments—when the team needs it.
Not everyone is in a position of leadership. But, as Robert the Bruce pointed out to his father, leadership is influence. And that is something all of us have.
Lets start LEADING
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Image of Leadership - John Schoolland
A leader's a man who commands much respect,
But due to the natures of all,
He's only as good as the image he casts
In the mirror that hangs on the wall.
He usually sees what he wants, and no more,
He's afraid to look deep in his soul.
He doesn't consider himself as at fault,
But wants others to help reach his goal.
When failures arise he blames it on all
Who failed to help or take part,
"They never did what they were told, " he would say,
"they haven't the skill or the art."
What kind of a leader are you going to be - the kind who thinks he is the best?
Or will you be one of the very few greats
Who attributes success to the rest.
Don't fail to look at the help you received
From parents and friends all your life.
They comforted you, praised you, and gave you the push
To help you through trouble and strife.
Another whose help you should never forget,
Who gave you your life and His love,
The One to whom all of our assets are known
Is the One whom we pray to above.
Be humble in all of your leadership traits.
Thank those who have made you so tall.
Be human to others, consider them too,
Then smile through the glass on the wall
Lets start LEADING
But due to the natures of all,
He's only as good as the image he casts
In the mirror that hangs on the wall.
He usually sees what he wants, and no more,
He's afraid to look deep in his soul.
He doesn't consider himself as at fault,
But wants others to help reach his goal.
When failures arise he blames it on all
Who failed to help or take part,
"They never did what they were told, " he would say,
"they haven't the skill or the art."
What kind of a leader are you going to be - the kind who thinks he is the best?
Or will you be one of the very few greats
Who attributes success to the rest.
Don't fail to look at the help you received
From parents and friends all your life.
They comforted you, praised you, and gave you the push
To help you through trouble and strife.
Another whose help you should never forget,
Who gave you your life and His love,
The One to whom all of our assets are known
Is the One whom we pray to above.
Be humble in all of your leadership traits.
Thank those who have made you so tall.
Be human to others, consider them too,
Then smile through the glass on the wall
Lets start LEADING
3 Attributes of a leader
Attributes establish what leaders are, and every leader needs at least three of them:
Standard Bearers
establish the ethical framework within an organization. This demands a commitment to live and defend the climate and culture that you want to permeate your organization. What you set as an example will soon become the rule as unlike knowledge, ethical behavior is learned more by observing that by listening. And in fast moving situations, examples become certainty. Being a standard bearer creates trust and openness in your employees, who in turn, fulfill your visions.
help others learn through teaching, training, and coaching. This creates an exciting place to work and learn. Never miss an opportunity to teach or learn something new yourself. Coaching suggests someone who cares enough to get involved by encouraging and developing others who are less experienced. Employees who work for developers know that they can take risks, learn by making mistakes, and winning in the end.
orchestrate the many activities that take place throughout an organization by providing a view of the future and the ability to obtain it. Success can only be achieved when there is a unity of effort. Integrators have a sixth sense about where problems will occur and make their presence felt during critical times. They know that their employees do their best when they are left to work within a vision-based framework.
Lets start LEADING
Standard Bearers
establish the ethical framework within an organization. This demands a commitment to live and defend the climate and culture that you want to permeate your organization. What you set as an example will soon become the rule as unlike knowledge, ethical behavior is learned more by observing that by listening. And in fast moving situations, examples become certainty. Being a standard bearer creates trust and openness in your employees, who in turn, fulfill your visions.
help others learn through teaching, training, and coaching. This creates an exciting place to work and learn. Never miss an opportunity to teach or learn something new yourself. Coaching suggests someone who cares enough to get involved by encouraging and developing others who are less experienced. Employees who work for developers know that they can take risks, learn by making mistakes, and winning in the end.
orchestrate the many activities that take place throughout an organization by providing a view of the future and the ability to obtain it. Success can only be achieved when there is a unity of effort. Integrators have a sixth sense about where problems will occur and make their presence felt during critical times. They know that their employees do their best when they are left to work within a vision-based framework.
Lets start LEADING
How to be an effective leader
To be an effective leader, your followers must have trust in you and they need to be sold on your vision. Korn-Ferry International, an executive search company, performed a survey on what organizations want from their leaders. The respondents said they wanted people who were both ethical and who convey a strong vision of the future. In any organization, a leader's actions set the pace. This behavior wins trust, loyalty, and ensures the organization's continued vitality. One of the ways to build trust is to display a good sense of character composed of beliefs, values, skills, and traits
Beliefs are what we hold dear to us and are rooted deeply within us. They could be assumptions or convictions that you hold true regarding people, concepts, or things. They could be the beliefs about life, death, religion, what is good, what is bad, what is human nature, etc.
Values are attitudes about the worth of people, concepts, or things. For example, you might value a good car, home, friendship, personal comfort, or relatives. Values are important as they influence a person's behavior to weigh the importance of alternatives. For example, you might value friends more than privacy, while others might be the opposite.
Skills are the knowledge and abilities that a person gains throughout life. The ability to learn a new skill varies with each individual. Some skills come almost naturally, while others come only by complete devotion to study and practice.
Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person, while character is the sum total of these traits. There are hundreds of personality traits, far too many to be discussed here. Instead, we will focus on a few that are crucial for a leader. The more of these you display as a leader, the more your followers will believe and trust in you.
Lets start LEADING
Beliefs are what we hold dear to us and are rooted deeply within us. They could be assumptions or convictions that you hold true regarding people, concepts, or things. They could be the beliefs about life, death, religion, what is good, what is bad, what is human nature, etc.
Values are attitudes about the worth of people, concepts, or things. For example, you might value a good car, home, friendship, personal comfort, or relatives. Values are important as they influence a person's behavior to weigh the importance of alternatives. For example, you might value friends more than privacy, while others might be the opposite.
Skills are the knowledge and abilities that a person gains throughout life. The ability to learn a new skill varies with each individual. Some skills come almost naturally, while others come only by complete devotion to study and practice.
Traits are distinguishing qualities or characteristics of a person, while character is the sum total of these traits. There are hundreds of personality traits, far too many to be discussed here. Instead, we will focus on a few that are crucial for a leader. The more of these you display as a leader, the more your followers will believe and trust in you.
Lets start LEADING
American Airlines Executive Chairman Ed Brennan knows about corporate leaders. He's had a seat on a dozen corporate boards -- he's sitting on four right now. Addressing attendees at the Society for Information Management's SIMposium 2004 last week, Brennan said leadership is one of those things you know when you see it. It's a subtle quality a friend of his described thusly: "I don't know if I can define leadership, but I know when I've been led."
Brennan said he believes that great technology leadership is imperative for businesses. "As an example, on the fateful day of 9/11, American Airlines had many important decisions to make," he said. "On average, at any time during the day, we have 900 to 1,000 planes airborne. The decision was made to ground the fleet, and all planes landed within one hour.
"IT was critical to making and implementing this decision; it would have been impossible without it," he stressed.
So what makes a great corporate leader? According to Brennan, six qualities separate the leaders from the followers:
Integrity: This is a deal breaker if you don't have it completely. When it comes to governance, Brennan said, he "never did anything or asked anyone to do anything he couldn't go home and explain to his kids."
A deep understanding of the business: "You can't fake it. People will know." While you don't need to know every detail, you do have to have a good grasp of the business.
Consistency: While keeping things fresh is important, leaders cannot change direction frequently. They will lose people's confidence.
Willingness to admit a mistake: Everyone makes mistakes. If you're not making any, you're not doing your job right. But Brennan emphasized the importance of admitting your missteps -- otherwise people will not respect you.
The ability to listen: Good leaders must be willing to handle opinions contrary to their own and absorb as much as they can.
Decisiveness: While you should listen to others' opinions, the final decision is yours to make. Brennan said when CEOs fail, very often it's because they are not decisive. Average tenure for a CEO has fallen from more than a decade to three years because people lose confidence in leaders whose indecision results in failure.
So where does the CIO fit into Brennan's framework? The perception of senior management is that IT over-promises and underachieves, he said. Just remember that a good leader will know that results don't happen overnight, and being patient is important, too.
Leats start LEADING
Brennan said he believes that great technology leadership is imperative for businesses. "As an example, on the fateful day of 9/11, American Airlines had many important decisions to make," he said. "On average, at any time during the day, we have 900 to 1,000 planes airborne. The decision was made to ground the fleet, and all planes landed within one hour.
"IT was critical to making and implementing this decision; it would have been impossible without it," he stressed.
So what makes a great corporate leader? According to Brennan, six qualities separate the leaders from the followers:
Integrity: This is a deal breaker if you don't have it completely. When it comes to governance, Brennan said, he "never did anything or asked anyone to do anything he couldn't go home and explain to his kids."
A deep understanding of the business: "You can't fake it. People will know." While you don't need to know every detail, you do have to have a good grasp of the business.
Consistency: While keeping things fresh is important, leaders cannot change direction frequently. They will lose people's confidence.
Willingness to admit a mistake: Everyone makes mistakes. If you're not making any, you're not doing your job right. But Brennan emphasized the importance of admitting your missteps -- otherwise people will not respect you.
The ability to listen: Good leaders must be willing to handle opinions contrary to their own and absorb as much as they can.
Decisiveness: While you should listen to others' opinions, the final decision is yours to make. Brennan said when CEOs fail, very often it's because they are not decisive. Average tenure for a CEO has fallen from more than a decade to three years because people lose confidence in leaders whose indecision results in failure.
So where does the CIO fit into Brennan's framework? The perception of senior management is that IT over-promises and underachieves, he said. Just remember that a good leader will know that results don't happen overnight, and being patient is important, too.
Leats start LEADING
Friday, October 19, 2007
Leadership vs Management
What is the difference between management and leadership? It is a question that has been asked more than once and also answered in different ways. The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivate the people who work or follow them, and this sets the tone for most other aspects of what they do.
Many people, by the way, are both. They have management jobs, but they realize that you cannot buy hearts, especially to follow them down a difficult path, and so act as leaders too.
Managers have subordinates
By definition, managers have subordinates - unless their title is honorary and given as a mark of seniority, in which case the title is a misnomer and their power over others is other than formal authority.
Authoritarian, transactional style
Managers have a position of authority vested in them by the company, and their subordinates work for them and largely do as they are told. Management style is transactional, in that the manager tells the subordinate what to do, and the subordinate does this not because they are a blind robot, but because they have been promised a reward (at minimum their salary) for doing so.
Work focus
Managers are paid to get things done (they are subordinates too), often within tight constraints of time and money. They thus naturally pass on this work focus to their subordinates.
Seek comfort
An interesting research finding about managers is that they tend to come from stable home backgrounds and led relatively normal and comfortable lives. This leads them to be relatively risk-averse and they will seek to avoid conflict where possible. In terms of people, they generally like to run a 'happy ship'.
Leaders have followers
Leaders do not have subordinates - at least not when they are leading. Many organizational leaders do have subordinates, but only because they are also managers. But when they want to lead, they have to give up formal authoritarian control, because to lead is to have followers, and following is always a voluntary activity.
Charismatic, transformational style
Telling people what to do does not inspire them to follow you. You have to appeal to them, showing how following them will lead to their hearts' desire. They must want to follow you enough to stop what they are doing and perhaps walk into danger and situations that they would not normally consider risking.
Leaders with a stronger charisma find it easier to attract people to their cause. As a part of their persuasion they typically promise transformational benefits, such that their followers will not just receive extrinsic rewards but will somehow become better people.
People focus
Although many leaders have a charismatic style to some extent, this does not require a loud personality. They are always good with people, and quiet styles that give credit to others (and takes blame on themselves) are very effective at creating the loyalty that great leaders engender.
Although leaders are good with people, this does not mean they are friendly with them. In order to keep the mystique of leadership, they often retain a degree of separation and aloofness.
This does not mean that leaders do not pay attention to tasks - in fact they are often very achievement-focused. What they do realize, however, is the importance of enthusing others to work towards their vision.
Seek risk
In the same study that showed managers as risk-averse, leaders appeared as risk-seeking, although they are not blind thrill-seekers. When pursuing their vision, they consider it natural to encounter problems and hurdles that must be overcome along the way. They are thus comfortable with risk and will see routes that others avoid as potential opportunities for advantage and will happily break rules in order to get things done.
A surprising number of these leaders had some form of handicap in their lives which they had to overcome. Some had traumatic childhoods, some had problems such as dyslexia, others were shorter than average. This perhaps taught them the independence of mind that is needed to go out on a limb and not worry about what others are thinking about you.
In summary
This table summarizes the above (and more) and gives a sense of the differences between being a leader and being a manager. This is, of course, an illustrative characterization, and there is a whole spectrum between either ends of these scales along which each role can range. And many people lead and manage at the same time, and so may display a combination of behaviors.
Many people, by the way, are both. They have management jobs, but they realize that you cannot buy hearts, especially to follow them down a difficult path, and so act as leaders too.
Managers have subordinates
By definition, managers have subordinates - unless their title is honorary and given as a mark of seniority, in which case the title is a misnomer and their power over others is other than formal authority.
Authoritarian, transactional style
Managers have a position of authority vested in them by the company, and their subordinates work for them and largely do as they are told. Management style is transactional, in that the manager tells the subordinate what to do, and the subordinate does this not because they are a blind robot, but because they have been promised a reward (at minimum their salary) for doing so.
Work focus
Managers are paid to get things done (they are subordinates too), often within tight constraints of time and money. They thus naturally pass on this work focus to their subordinates.
Seek comfort
An interesting research finding about managers is that they tend to come from stable home backgrounds and led relatively normal and comfortable lives. This leads them to be relatively risk-averse and they will seek to avoid conflict where possible. In terms of people, they generally like to run a 'happy ship'.
Leaders have followers
Leaders do not have subordinates - at least not when they are leading. Many organizational leaders do have subordinates, but only because they are also managers. But when they want to lead, they have to give up formal authoritarian control, because to lead is to have followers, and following is always a voluntary activity.
Charismatic, transformational style
Telling people what to do does not inspire them to follow you. You have to appeal to them, showing how following them will lead to their hearts' desire. They must want to follow you enough to stop what they are doing and perhaps walk into danger and situations that they would not normally consider risking.
Leaders with a stronger charisma find it easier to attract people to their cause. As a part of their persuasion they typically promise transformational benefits, such that their followers will not just receive extrinsic rewards but will somehow become better people.
People focus
Although many leaders have a charismatic style to some extent, this does not require a loud personality. They are always good with people, and quiet styles that give credit to others (and takes blame on themselves) are very effective at creating the loyalty that great leaders engender.
Although leaders are good with people, this does not mean they are friendly with them. In order to keep the mystique of leadership, they often retain a degree of separation and aloofness.
This does not mean that leaders do not pay attention to tasks - in fact they are often very achievement-focused. What they do realize, however, is the importance of enthusing others to work towards their vision.
Seek risk
In the same study that showed managers as risk-averse, leaders appeared as risk-seeking, although they are not blind thrill-seekers. When pursuing their vision, they consider it natural to encounter problems and hurdles that must be overcome along the way. They are thus comfortable with risk and will see routes that others avoid as potential opportunities for advantage and will happily break rules in order to get things done.
A surprising number of these leaders had some form of handicap in their lives which they had to overcome. Some had traumatic childhoods, some had problems such as dyslexia, others were shorter than average. This perhaps taught them the independence of mind that is needed to go out on a limb and not worry about what others are thinking about you.
In summary
This table summarizes the above (and more) and gives a sense of the differences between being a leader and being a manager. This is, of course, an illustrative characterization, and there is a whole spectrum between either ends of these scales along which each role can range. And many people lead and manage at the same time, and so may display a combination of behaviors.
Leadership and Teamwork - Requirement To Get The Job Done
Leadership and teamwork often go hand in hand. Teamwork requires leadership with vision of a clear goal, a flow of strong communication and the inspiration and drive to get the job done.
Here are a few techniques to build a cohesive team.
Build on collaboration: Individual competition can be detrimental. You do not want competition between team members. Remember to look at the team as whole.
Delegate: Offer clear expectations and instructions so it is clear who is to do what and when.
Define the reporting structure clearly: Make it very clear who is in the lead position and who is accountable and for what.
Incentives for the group to share: A little something extra to look forward to when the work is accomplished.
Communicate clearly: Your team needs to understand clearly what your goals and expectations are. You need to be on the same page. You may have a very different idea than your team members about what you are striving towards.
Provide professional development seminars: Continued development of leadership and educational materials will help keep your team on its toes.
Give the team the opportunity to make and implement decisions: Democratic leadership skills allow for input from the team. This has been determined as the most successful style of leadership. If people have a sense of ownership they will perform to higher standard.
Settle confrontation and conflicts immediately: Recognize conflict before it festers and grows. It is better to meet it head on before it takes on a life of its own. Be consistent with your approach in this area.
Welcome a variety of viewpoints: People come from different backgrounds and bring with them experiences that differ in many areas such as education and culture. Capitalize on these resources.
Encourage two-way communication: a lack of truth and honesty can have a high cost financially and undermine effective leadership. Don't expect that other guy knows the score if you have not given him an update.
Provide access to resources necessary to accomplish your goal: When a new building is constructed from poor quality materials do you expect it to stand the test of time? You can apply the same theory to any productive situation. Necessary resources are essential to getting the job done.
A team is a valuable resource: With it comes the opportunity to tap into and use the varied expertise of its members. Feedback and suggestion from people who see different sides to an equation and can spark creativity and can be a positive asset. Finally, a good leader inspires the team to attain his goal through his vision and takes responsibility for the actions of the team while giving credit to the team for a well-accomplished job.
Here are a few techniques to build a cohesive team.
Build on collaboration: Individual competition can be detrimental. You do not want competition between team members. Remember to look at the team as whole.
Delegate: Offer clear expectations and instructions so it is clear who is to do what and when.
Define the reporting structure clearly: Make it very clear who is in the lead position and who is accountable and for what.
Incentives for the group to share: A little something extra to look forward to when the work is accomplished.
Communicate clearly: Your team needs to understand clearly what your goals and expectations are. You need to be on the same page. You may have a very different idea than your team members about what you are striving towards.
Provide professional development seminars: Continued development of leadership and educational materials will help keep your team on its toes.
Give the team the opportunity to make and implement decisions: Democratic leadership skills allow for input from the team. This has been determined as the most successful style of leadership. If people have a sense of ownership they will perform to higher standard.
Settle confrontation and conflicts immediately: Recognize conflict before it festers and grows. It is better to meet it head on before it takes on a life of its own. Be consistent with your approach in this area.
Welcome a variety of viewpoints: People come from different backgrounds and bring with them experiences that differ in many areas such as education and culture. Capitalize on these resources.
Encourage two-way communication: a lack of truth and honesty can have a high cost financially and undermine effective leadership. Don't expect that other guy knows the score if you have not given him an update.
Provide access to resources necessary to accomplish your goal: When a new building is constructed from poor quality materials do you expect it to stand the test of time? You can apply the same theory to any productive situation. Necessary resources are essential to getting the job done.
A team is a valuable resource: With it comes the opportunity to tap into and use the varied expertise of its members. Feedback and suggestion from people who see different sides to an equation and can spark creativity and can be a positive asset. Finally, a good leader inspires the team to attain his goal through his vision and takes responsibility for the actions of the team while giving credit to the team for a well-accomplished job.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The best guide for Conflict Resolution (FINAL)
Investment in the Resolution
As the leader, you need to get the people who are involved in the conflict invested in the outcome in order to ensure their participation in the accepted resolution. This is the one of the most important parts of the entire conflict resolution process, because your goal is not to just to resolve the current conflict, but to avoid further conflict by eliminating the underlying cause.
The quickest and most effective way to do this is by having the group work together to generate multiple alternatives rather than having someone prescribe a solution. Through participating in this process, they are compromising, developing consensus and seeking win/win resolutions.
By involving team members in the resolution, you also have a much better chance of getting to the underlying cause and addressing it in an effective manner. If you attempt to resolve conflict yourself, you may miss a piece of information that a team member could share with you.
if a company policy is involved in the conflict, you will need to add an additional step to your conflict resolution strategy. You must clear your proposed resolution with the company. Preferably, you will have your company representative join the initial resolution discussions so you can find out if compromise is even possible. If this is impractical, additional discussions can be held with company representatives after the initial discussions, but before final adoption and implementation.
Without investment in the resolution, you may end up with staff who inadvertently, or perhaps purposefully, sabotage the plan or act in a passive-aggressive manner. This can lead to future conflict.
However, there are times when you may need to impose a solution. You may encounter a situation where the people involved in the conflict take positions that allow little or no negotiation toward resolution. In such an instance, for the well-being of the entire team, you may have to develop and announce a resolution.
If this is not your predominant style of leadership, you should openly describe this as exercising your authority. You should also explain how the situation has forced you to take this route for the benefit of the whole group. Consider emphasizing that consensus is your goal as manager, but in this particular case it wasn't possible. This will reinforce that you will not hesitate to act if the situation demands it.
Pre-empting Conflict
In your role as a manager or leader, you may find that conflict erupts in the most severe or intense forms when your staff is dealing with feelings that they haven't been able to express.
One strategy you can use to pre-empt conflict is to give your staff permission to disagree with you and with each other. Not only will this give your team more freedom to articulate their ideas and thoughts, it will lessen the chance that resentment will build because of unexpressed feelings.
As a supervisor, it's your responsibility to model this behavior, showing how to express disagreement (privately versus openly, in writing versus orally) and to make clear what types of disagreement will and will not be tolerated on your team.
You should also clearly explain who has final decision-making responsibility and authority. It may be you or, if you are supervising independent units, there may be decision-makers below you.
Hint: Being specific with your staff about roles, responsibilities, authority, expectations, rewards and sanctions is one of the keys to pre-empting conflict.
It is vitally important that everyone knows and understands who these people are. By clearly articulating the lines of authority and by consistently supporting those who have this authority, you can pre-empt a great deal of conflict arising over power.
Another strategy for pre-empting conflict is to ask your staff to evaluate your performance as a leader or manager. This can be a valuable place for feedback and help you recognize problem areas and make any necessary changes. It also sets up a reciprocal relationship between you and your staff, which helps establish the trust that you need to be an effective leader.
Being a leader or supervisor requires preparation and thought about possible conflicts and how to anticipate them. Pre-empting conflict is always preferable to resolving it after it has erupted.
Effective conflict resolution skills are absolutely essential for leaders and supervisors. Conflict resolution strategies that cannot be articulated are of little use to a team or group seeking to resolve a conflict, so your communication skills will also be very important. Timing is also important. A conflict that is ignored for any period of time can worsen in the minds of those experiencing it. Conflicts do not resolve themselves and they do not get better with time. It is much better to face conflict as soon as it comes to your attention so you can manage a team that works smoothly.
Cheers for Success
As the leader, you need to get the people who are involved in the conflict invested in the outcome in order to ensure their participation in the accepted resolution. This is the one of the most important parts of the entire conflict resolution process, because your goal is not to just to resolve the current conflict, but to avoid further conflict by eliminating the underlying cause.
The quickest and most effective way to do this is by having the group work together to generate multiple alternatives rather than having someone prescribe a solution. Through participating in this process, they are compromising, developing consensus and seeking win/win resolutions.
By involving team members in the resolution, you also have a much better chance of getting to the underlying cause and addressing it in an effective manner. If you attempt to resolve conflict yourself, you may miss a piece of information that a team member could share with you.
if a company policy is involved in the conflict, you will need to add an additional step to your conflict resolution strategy. You must clear your proposed resolution with the company. Preferably, you will have your company representative join the initial resolution discussions so you can find out if compromise is even possible. If this is impractical, additional discussions can be held with company representatives after the initial discussions, but before final adoption and implementation.
Without investment in the resolution, you may end up with staff who inadvertently, or perhaps purposefully, sabotage the plan or act in a passive-aggressive manner. This can lead to future conflict.
However, there are times when you may need to impose a solution. You may encounter a situation where the people involved in the conflict take positions that allow little or no negotiation toward resolution. In such an instance, for the well-being of the entire team, you may have to develop and announce a resolution.
If this is not your predominant style of leadership, you should openly describe this as exercising your authority. You should also explain how the situation has forced you to take this route for the benefit of the whole group. Consider emphasizing that consensus is your goal as manager, but in this particular case it wasn't possible. This will reinforce that you will not hesitate to act if the situation demands it.
Pre-empting Conflict
In your role as a manager or leader, you may find that conflict erupts in the most severe or intense forms when your staff is dealing with feelings that they haven't been able to express.
One strategy you can use to pre-empt conflict is to give your staff permission to disagree with you and with each other. Not only will this give your team more freedom to articulate their ideas and thoughts, it will lessen the chance that resentment will build because of unexpressed feelings.
As a supervisor, it's your responsibility to model this behavior, showing how to express disagreement (privately versus openly, in writing versus orally) and to make clear what types of disagreement will and will not be tolerated on your team.
You should also clearly explain who has final decision-making responsibility and authority. It may be you or, if you are supervising independent units, there may be decision-makers below you.
Hint: Being specific with your staff about roles, responsibilities, authority, expectations, rewards and sanctions is one of the keys to pre-empting conflict.
It is vitally important that everyone knows and understands who these people are. By clearly articulating the lines of authority and by consistently supporting those who have this authority, you can pre-empt a great deal of conflict arising over power.
Another strategy for pre-empting conflict is to ask your staff to evaluate your performance as a leader or manager. This can be a valuable place for feedback and help you recognize problem areas and make any necessary changes. It also sets up a reciprocal relationship between you and your staff, which helps establish the trust that you need to be an effective leader.
Being a leader or supervisor requires preparation and thought about possible conflicts and how to anticipate them. Pre-empting conflict is always preferable to resolving it after it has erupted.
Effective conflict resolution skills are absolutely essential for leaders and supervisors. Conflict resolution strategies that cannot be articulated are of little use to a team or group seeking to resolve a conflict, so your communication skills will also be very important. Timing is also important. A conflict that is ignored for any period of time can worsen in the minds of those experiencing it. Conflicts do not resolve themselves and they do not get better with time. It is much better to face conflict as soon as it comes to your attention so you can manage a team that works smoothly.
Cheers for Success
The best guide for Conflict Resolution (part 3)
Welcome to my next part of Conflict Resolution
Resolving Conflicts
Personal conflicts between workers don’t necessarily need to be addressed until they start to impact work; but then, as the leader, you must get involved. Depending on the circumstances, the conflict can be settled with one of three possible results.
Win/Win, Win/Lose or Lose/Lose
The preferred ending is to seek a resolution that lets each party come away from the conflict with a positive result: a win/win situation. Whenever possible, you want to resolve conflicts in this manner so that everyone involved retains their dignity and integrity and feels that they are an integral part of the team.
For example, if Danielle and Hannah, two of your team members who are equally qualified, experienced and capable, each want the same story assignment, you could have them share the assignment or agree on an alternating schedule for who gets these types of assignments. Perhaps you can find a similar assignment that will be acceptable as a substitute for one of them.
Unfortunately, win/win results aren’t always possible. Some situations have particular circumstances or problems so that the only way to resolve them is to have one person win and the other person lose.
For instance, if as in the above example, you determine that you need to assign the story to the person with the most expertise, and that is Danielle, she will come away “winning” the assignment and Hannah will “lose” the assignment: a win/lose result.
There are also situations where nobody is going to win. That is, neither party in the conflict will be able to achieve her principal goal.
For example, if in the same example reviewed above, neither Danielle nor Hannah meet the qualifications you need for this assignment, you might give the assignment to someone else entirely. Neither one of them will get what they want: a lose/lose result.
In such instances, you, as the leader, should clearly explain the issues involved in giving this assignment and who made the final decision and why. By taking these steps, you will encourage open and honest communication – essential for relationships of trust – and promote team building.
Dependence, Independence and Interdependence
In the workplace, people work independently, dependently and/or interdependently. Individuals and groups tolerate these work styles differently and varying levels of each can have an effect on optimum and smooth working conditions. As a leader, it is your responsibility to determine what mix works best for your team.
Dependence: Consider how job responsibilities and job titles are set up to see if your staff is too dependent on one another. Do they usually need to rely on others to do specific tasks? This could cause problems with professional boundaries.
Example: You assign a story to two journalists who then miss the deadline. You discover that one had her share done, but the other did not complete her part. This could lead to conflict between the two journalists. To be an effective supervisor, you need to pay close attention to situations like this
Independence: Evaluate your team’s independence level. Does or can each team member perform tasks on her own without any interaction or help from the other team members? Too much independence could impact your staff’s ability to work as a cohesive team
Example: Sandra is producing her first segment on the upcoming local elections. Because your team works mostly independently, she doesn’t know that Rita, who has specialized in political reporting for the last 15 years, knows the beat very well and could help her with contacts
Interdependence: Look at the overall teamwork on your staff. See if there are well-defined roles and responsibilities related to the successful completion of group tasks. Is everyone on your team clear about how their particular tasks fit into the team’s success?
Example: If your team is working interdependently, Sandra would know Rita’s reporting background and expertise in politics and would be able to go to her for contacts to help with her segment.
The goal is to ensure that everyone understands not only her own role and responsibilities, but also the roles and responsibilities of all of the other team members. A successful leader builds an effective team by ensuring that everyone has roles that are necessary for the group’s success, thereby decreasing individual competition. Effective teams have “cooperation” as a motto, not “competition.”
Developing Resolutions
When faced with a conflict on your team, there are a few options that you can use to resolve it.
Prescribing solutions: One way you might choose to resolve a conflict is to individually develop a specific solution without input or feedback from your team. However, if you always develop solutions by yourself, your team will probably perceive your leadership style as domineering or authoritarian. This style is not optimal for developing effective teams and teamwork.
You may also inadvertently set up further conflict by prescribing a solution. Team members who are affected by the outcome, but who aren’t included in developing a resolution to the conflict, may end up feeling unsatisfied. They may feel that they aren’t involved, empowered or invested in the solution.
Developing alternatives: Another option is to develop a resolution jointly with the team members involved in the conflict. Ask the whole group to think about alternatives and allow everyone the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. Each alternative should be considered. As a group, you then decide on which alternatives fit or respond to the specific circumstances of the conflict. This validates your team members and maintains their dignity and integrity. In most cases, this lessens conflict and feelings of resentment.
This process - coming to a group consensus - is more open and group-focused and gives everyone some involvement and investment in the success of the plan. This style also gives the team a feeling that they have some control over what happens in the workplace, which can be a real boost to morale and commitment.
The Art of Compromise
Another strategy for team decision-making is compromise. When you use compromise to resolve a conflict, each person involved must give up something that she wants, but each person will also get something out of the resolution. Compromise is a type of win/win result because each person will get some of what she was seeking.
Example: If two team members ask to use travel funds to attend a media workshop, but there is not enough money for both, you may suggest a compromise:
Split the money and propose that the team members pay any additional costs with their own funds; or
Have them look for a related conference that has a lower fee or no fee, so that they can both attend.
While both workers won’t get what they initially wanted, they will each get some of what they wanted.
Compromise goes along with developing consensus, which is achieved when everyone comes to an agreement about how to resolve the conflict.
Cheers for Success
Resolving Conflicts
Personal conflicts between workers don’t necessarily need to be addressed until they start to impact work; but then, as the leader, you must get involved. Depending on the circumstances, the conflict can be settled with one of three possible results.
Win/Win, Win/Lose or Lose/Lose
The preferred ending is to seek a resolution that lets each party come away from the conflict with a positive result: a win/win situation. Whenever possible, you want to resolve conflicts in this manner so that everyone involved retains their dignity and integrity and feels that they are an integral part of the team.
For example, if Danielle and Hannah, two of your team members who are equally qualified, experienced and capable, each want the same story assignment, you could have them share the assignment or agree on an alternating schedule for who gets these types of assignments. Perhaps you can find a similar assignment that will be acceptable as a substitute for one of them.
Unfortunately, win/win results aren’t always possible. Some situations have particular circumstances or problems so that the only way to resolve them is to have one person win and the other person lose.
For instance, if as in the above example, you determine that you need to assign the story to the person with the most expertise, and that is Danielle, she will come away “winning” the assignment and Hannah will “lose” the assignment: a win/lose result.
There are also situations where nobody is going to win. That is, neither party in the conflict will be able to achieve her principal goal.
For example, if in the same example reviewed above, neither Danielle nor Hannah meet the qualifications you need for this assignment, you might give the assignment to someone else entirely. Neither one of them will get what they want: a lose/lose result.
In such instances, you, as the leader, should clearly explain the issues involved in giving this assignment and who made the final decision and why. By taking these steps, you will encourage open and honest communication – essential for relationships of trust – and promote team building.
Dependence, Independence and Interdependence
In the workplace, people work independently, dependently and/or interdependently. Individuals and groups tolerate these work styles differently and varying levels of each can have an effect on optimum and smooth working conditions. As a leader, it is your responsibility to determine what mix works best for your team.
Dependence: Consider how job responsibilities and job titles are set up to see if your staff is too dependent on one another. Do they usually need to rely on others to do specific tasks? This could cause problems with professional boundaries.
Example: You assign a story to two journalists who then miss the deadline. You discover that one had her share done, but the other did not complete her part. This could lead to conflict between the two journalists. To be an effective supervisor, you need to pay close attention to situations like this
Independence: Evaluate your team’s independence level. Does or can each team member perform tasks on her own without any interaction or help from the other team members? Too much independence could impact your staff’s ability to work as a cohesive team
Example: Sandra is producing her first segment on the upcoming local elections. Because your team works mostly independently, she doesn’t know that Rita, who has specialized in political reporting for the last 15 years, knows the beat very well and could help her with contacts
Interdependence: Look at the overall teamwork on your staff. See if there are well-defined roles and responsibilities related to the successful completion of group tasks. Is everyone on your team clear about how their particular tasks fit into the team’s success?
Example: If your team is working interdependently, Sandra would know Rita’s reporting background and expertise in politics and would be able to go to her for contacts to help with her segment.
The goal is to ensure that everyone understands not only her own role and responsibilities, but also the roles and responsibilities of all of the other team members. A successful leader builds an effective team by ensuring that everyone has roles that are necessary for the group’s success, thereby decreasing individual competition. Effective teams have “cooperation” as a motto, not “competition.”
Developing Resolutions
When faced with a conflict on your team, there are a few options that you can use to resolve it.
Prescribing solutions: One way you might choose to resolve a conflict is to individually develop a specific solution without input or feedback from your team. However, if you always develop solutions by yourself, your team will probably perceive your leadership style as domineering or authoritarian. This style is not optimal for developing effective teams and teamwork.
You may also inadvertently set up further conflict by prescribing a solution. Team members who are affected by the outcome, but who aren’t included in developing a resolution to the conflict, may end up feeling unsatisfied. They may feel that they aren’t involved, empowered or invested in the solution.
Developing alternatives: Another option is to develop a resolution jointly with the team members involved in the conflict. Ask the whole group to think about alternatives and allow everyone the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. Each alternative should be considered. As a group, you then decide on which alternatives fit or respond to the specific circumstances of the conflict. This validates your team members and maintains their dignity and integrity. In most cases, this lessens conflict and feelings of resentment.
This process - coming to a group consensus - is more open and group-focused and gives everyone some involvement and investment in the success of the plan. This style also gives the team a feeling that they have some control over what happens in the workplace, which can be a real boost to morale and commitment.
The Art of Compromise
Another strategy for team decision-making is compromise. When you use compromise to resolve a conflict, each person involved must give up something that she wants, but each person will also get something out of the resolution. Compromise is a type of win/win result because each person will get some of what she was seeking.
Example: If two team members ask to use travel funds to attend a media workshop, but there is not enough money for both, you may suggest a compromise:
Split the money and propose that the team members pay any additional costs with their own funds; or
Have them look for a related conference that has a lower fee or no fee, so that they can both attend.
While both workers won’t get what they initially wanted, they will each get some of what they wanted.
Compromise goes along with developing consensus, which is achieved when everyone comes to an agreement about how to resolve the conflict.
Cheers for Success
The best guide for Conflict Resolution (part 2)
In my last post, I mentioned how you should define boundaries. Now, lets look at defining the conflict
Defining the Conflict
Defining the problem or the conflict is important because it will influence what strategies you use to begin resolving the problem. Use active listening to uncover the underlying issue.
Remember, to be an active listener, you should think of the phrase, “What are you really saying?” So when someone is speaking to you, quickly evaluate the message for any ambiguous words, and any discrepancy between the words and nonverbal messages. Compare the verbal and nonverbal messages to see if you are receiving contradictory messages and to be sure you really understand the message.
Then reflect back the message, repeating what you just heard in your own words. The person you are speaking will either confirm your understanding, or, if there is a misunderstanding, should re-state her message.
If the people involved in the conflict are not using active listening, it is your responsibility as a leader to encourage it so that you can be sure there is mutual understanding. Practicing active listening will help decrease conflict in the workplace.
Get Specific
Defining the problem and getting as specific as possible about what is going on is important. If you are vague about what the conflict is, you won’t know how to begin resolving it or who to involve in the process.
Who is Responsible for the Problem?
After you define the problem, you need to determine to whom the problem belongs or who “owns” the problem. This will give you added information about how to solve it.
In the discussion with Carla above, there was a two-part strategy: uncovering the specific behavior that made her feel discriminated against and then finding out if the behavior was appropriate or inappropriate.
If the discussion uncovered that Martha’s behavior was appropriate and reasonable, the problem would be defined as Carla’s. As her supervisor, you would then want review the situation with Carla and discuss:
why Martha’s behavior is considered appropriate and how it contributes to the productivity of the unit;
how Carla’s own emotions may figure into her feelings of discrimination; and
what, if anything, could be done to help Carla feel more positive.
This process would facilitate closure on the process for both Carla and Martha.
However, if the behavior is inappropriate, it is Martha who is responsible for the conflict. And as the manager, you then need to find out if there are any policies or procedures – formal or informal – at your company that inadvertently led to Martha’s actions. Any time the problem stems from a company policy, the company is responsible for the problem as well.
If it appears that the problem is discrimination, you could see if Carla wants to begin a formal complaint process. This might involve meeting with Human Resources personnel or filing a formal statement. You could also suggest a meeting with everyone involved – including a company representative if you determine that the problem is due to a company policy – to try to devise a conflict resolution scenario that may eliminate the behavior without involving outside personnel
Only the employee who feels discriminated against can evaluate what action is appropriate for her particular problem. But, as a leader, it is your responsibility to answer any questions the employee has and to clarify all the options and possible consequences of each one. However, be careful about going any further because there may be potential consequences for you in a discrimination case.
Some organizations heavily stigmatize those who get involved in the complaint process. If you believe this to be true at your company, as her supervisor, you should help the employee understand that filing a formal complaint will be difficult and may compromise her position at the company. Even so, it may be the only way to reach a resolution.
I leave you with a thought: What would you do if you felt you were being harassed at work but you weren’t getting the support you’d expect from your boss?
Cheers for Success
Defining the Conflict
Defining the problem or the conflict is important because it will influence what strategies you use to begin resolving the problem. Use active listening to uncover the underlying issue.
Remember, to be an active listener, you should think of the phrase, “What are you really saying?” So when someone is speaking to you, quickly evaluate the message for any ambiguous words, and any discrepancy between the words and nonverbal messages. Compare the verbal and nonverbal messages to see if you are receiving contradictory messages and to be sure you really understand the message.
Then reflect back the message, repeating what you just heard in your own words. The person you are speaking will either confirm your understanding, or, if there is a misunderstanding, should re-state her message.
If the people involved in the conflict are not using active listening, it is your responsibility as a leader to encourage it so that you can be sure there is mutual understanding. Practicing active listening will help decrease conflict in the workplace.
Get Specific
Defining the problem and getting as specific as possible about what is going on is important. If you are vague about what the conflict is, you won’t know how to begin resolving it or who to involve in the process.
Who is Responsible for the Problem?
After you define the problem, you need to determine to whom the problem belongs or who “owns” the problem. This will give you added information about how to solve it.
In the discussion with Carla above, there was a two-part strategy: uncovering the specific behavior that made her feel discriminated against and then finding out if the behavior was appropriate or inappropriate.
If the discussion uncovered that Martha’s behavior was appropriate and reasonable, the problem would be defined as Carla’s. As her supervisor, you would then want review the situation with Carla and discuss:
why Martha’s behavior is considered appropriate and how it contributes to the productivity of the unit;
how Carla’s own emotions may figure into her feelings of discrimination; and
what, if anything, could be done to help Carla feel more positive.
This process would facilitate closure on the process for both Carla and Martha.
However, if the behavior is inappropriate, it is Martha who is responsible for the conflict. And as the manager, you then need to find out if there are any policies or procedures – formal or informal – at your company that inadvertently led to Martha’s actions. Any time the problem stems from a company policy, the company is responsible for the problem as well.
If it appears that the problem is discrimination, you could see if Carla wants to begin a formal complaint process. This might involve meeting with Human Resources personnel or filing a formal statement. You could also suggest a meeting with everyone involved – including a company representative if you determine that the problem is due to a company policy – to try to devise a conflict resolution scenario that may eliminate the behavior without involving outside personnel
Only the employee who feels discriminated against can evaluate what action is appropriate for her particular problem. But, as a leader, it is your responsibility to answer any questions the employee has and to clarify all the options and possible consequences of each one. However, be careful about going any further because there may be potential consequences for you in a discrimination case.
Some organizations heavily stigmatize those who get involved in the complaint process. If you believe this to be true at your company, as her supervisor, you should help the employee understand that filing a formal complaint will be difficult and may compromise her position at the company. Even so, it may be the only way to reach a resolution.
I leave you with a thought: What would you do if you felt you were being harassed at work but you weren’t getting the support you’d expect from your boss?
Cheers for Success
The best guide for Conflict Resolution (part 1)
While almost anyone can lead or manage when everything is fine, real leaders are the ones who persevere even when things are difficult. Therefore, conflict resolution is a very important skill for leaders to have.
Conflict is a natural and normal part of life and work. It is not necessarily a sign of a poorly managed team, but it can be. Conflict can also have a negative impact on productivity and morale when it’s not addressed effectively and efficiently. It’s essential that, as a leader, you address conflict issues right away and handle situations correctly so that everyone’s integrity remains intact.
Defining Boundaries
Understanding and acknowledging psychological boundaries – what you will and will not tolerate in a relationship or what your responsibilities are - is the first step in resolving conflicts that may arise.
It’s important that you understand your own boundaries and responsibilities as well as those of your colleagues and your staff, because overstepping them can lead to unexpressed hostility and conflict. When basic conflicts aren’t resolved it is difficult, if not impossible, to develop trust and good interpersonal relationships at work.
As a leader or manager, you are responsible for clearly defining your staff’s job responsibilities, authority and decision-making boundaries. This should be clearly outlined in their job descriptions. You can further clarify boundaries through informal discussions, team building, negotiation and mediation. When boundary issues arise – for example, who has seniority on a project, who has responsibility for a series, or how much authority can be delegated and to whom – you should address them immediately.
People who aren’t competent communicators probably won’t talk about their psychological boundaries. You can try to get this information by asking questions such as, “Is this okay with you?” or “Do you mind doing it this way or would you prefer we do this another way?”
Flexible and Rigid Boundaries
People with flexible or weak boundaries tend to let others infringe on them. For instance, someone might agree to take on a project when she knows she doesn’t have time. Instead of making this clear to the person who asked her to take the assignment, she becomes resentful, a passive/aggressive response. These negative feelings usually emerge later and often come out more intensely.
Those with rigid boundaries keep others at a distance. They often withdraw, either emotionally or physically, have a hard time trusting others and can make communication difficult. For example, a supervisor who secludes herself in her office every day, only interacting with her colleagues when absolutely necessary, can leave her staff confused, angry or lacking direction. Likewise, an employee who never interacts with coworkers or does so inadequately, inappropriately or negatively may also be demonstrating rigid boundaries.
It can be challenging to develop positive work relationships with people who have rigid boundaries. These people may negatively impact teamwork. As a leader, you should recognize that this type of person may have trouble handling unexpected occurrences or assignments and may get angry when her boundaries are crossed.
If someone you supervise has rigid boundaries, your best options for dealing with her are:
Model another type of behavior. If you develop a relationship with this person based on honesty and openness, this will give her a model for a trusting relationship. This is important for the welfare of the whole group.
Don’t let this person mistreat other team members. You must intercede if this person exhibits behavior destructive to the overall productivity and morale of the team. By intervening, you send a message to the entire team that you, their leader, will take action to protect them from threats to their overall success.
Crossing Boundaries
To help you successfully resolve conflicts, you’ll need to determine if a problem comes from boundaries being crossed. Boundaries can be crossed in any number of ways, such as:
Giving someone direction or instructions when she doesn't see herself as subordinate to you;
Not acknowledging someone’s contributions or not treating her in the same way you treat the contributions of others;
Speaking to someone in a way she feels is inappropriate or unwarranted;
Telling someone they are wrong when they don’t think it is your position to do so.
There are certainly other ways in which boundaries can be crossed, but you will get to know your team as you work with them and get to know where there might be problems or conflicts.
Cheers to success
While almost anyone can lead or manage when everything is fine, real leaders are the ones who persevere even when things are difficult. Therefore, conflict resolution is a very important skill for leaders to have.
Conflict is a natural and normal part of life and work. It is not necessarily a sign of a poorly managed team, but it can be. Conflict can also have a negative impact on productivity and morale when it’s not addressed effectively and efficiently. It’s essential that, as a leader, you address conflict issues right away and handle situations correctly so that everyone’s integrity remains intact.
Defining Boundaries
Understanding and acknowledging psychological boundaries – what you will and will not tolerate in a relationship or what your responsibilities are - is the first step in resolving conflicts that may arise.
It’s important that you understand your own boundaries and responsibilities as well as those of your colleagues and your staff, because overstepping them can lead to unexpressed hostility and conflict. When basic conflicts aren’t resolved it is difficult, if not impossible, to develop trust and good interpersonal relationships at work.
As a leader or manager, you are responsible for clearly defining your staff’s job responsibilities, authority and decision-making boundaries. This should be clearly outlined in their job descriptions. You can further clarify boundaries through informal discussions, team building, negotiation and mediation. When boundary issues arise – for example, who has seniority on a project, who has responsibility for a series, or how much authority can be delegated and to whom – you should address them immediately.
People who aren’t competent communicators probably won’t talk about their psychological boundaries. You can try to get this information by asking questions such as, “Is this okay with you?” or “Do you mind doing it this way or would you prefer we do this another way?”
Flexible and Rigid Boundaries
People with flexible or weak boundaries tend to let others infringe on them. For instance, someone might agree to take on a project when she knows she doesn’t have time. Instead of making this clear to the person who asked her to take the assignment, she becomes resentful, a passive/aggressive response. These negative feelings usually emerge later and often come out more intensely.
Those with rigid boundaries keep others at a distance. They often withdraw, either emotionally or physically, have a hard time trusting others and can make communication difficult. For example, a supervisor who secludes herself in her office every day, only interacting with her colleagues when absolutely necessary, can leave her staff confused, angry or lacking direction. Likewise, an employee who never interacts with coworkers or does so inadequately, inappropriately or negatively may also be demonstrating rigid boundaries.
It can be challenging to develop positive work relationships with people who have rigid boundaries. These people may negatively impact teamwork. As a leader, you should recognize that this type of person may have trouble handling unexpected occurrences or assignments and may get angry when her boundaries are crossed.
If someone you supervise has rigid boundaries, your best options for dealing with her are:
Model another type of behavior. If you develop a relationship with this person based on honesty and openness, this will give her a model for a trusting relationship. This is important for the welfare of the whole group.
Don’t let this person mistreat other team members. You must intercede if this person exhibits behavior destructive to the overall productivity and morale of the team. By intervening, you send a message to the entire team that you, their leader, will take action to protect them from threats to their overall success.
Crossing Boundaries
To help you successfully resolve conflicts, you’ll need to determine if a problem comes from boundaries being crossed. Boundaries can be crossed in any number of ways, such as:
Giving someone direction or instructions when she doesn't see herself as subordinate to you;
Not acknowledging someone’s contributions or not treating her in the same way you treat the contributions of others;
Speaking to someone in a way she feels is inappropriate or unwarranted;
Telling someone they are wrong when they don’t think it is your position to do so.
There are certainly other ways in which boundaries can be crossed, but you will get to know your team as you work with them and get to know where there might be problems or conflicts.
Cheers to success
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
In Search of the Uncommon Leader
Leadership is a very hot topic today. It always has been and probably always will be. There is for good reason. There are not a lot of Uncommon Leaders around! The question is - why not? And what can we do to develop more Uncommon Leaders?
Let’s start by defining what an Uncommon Leader looks like.
Uncommon Leaders fill a void by bringing direction and vision. They pull people together to use their resources (financial, mental, spiritual, physical, etc) to achieve an outcome that benefits everyone. They have tremendous charisma that influences people to want to achieve their best. They create momentum and motivation. They show others how to become better and achieve more. They help people hold themselves accountable. They support creativity and original thinking. They inspire action and greatness. They make things happen. They breed excitement and enthusiasm.
Now before you go out thinking that these super-human beings are all heads of corporations, political legends or NFL coaches, let’s clarify something right now. Everyone and I do mean everyone at some point in their life take on a leadership role. Any parent takes on a leadership role. Anyone who supervises employees has a leadership role. Anyone that works in a job that has some type of customer service has a leadership role.
As you look back at our definition of what is an Uncommon Leader could it not apply to a parent? They are leading a family. It’s not quite the same as leading the fifth infantry division, but it is still leadership. And frankly anyone that has any type of leadership role would love to hear themselves described as we described our Uncommon Leader above.
All Uncommon Leaders of great note in any area of life first became Uncommon Leaders in ways that were not so public and as they got better they became better known until ultimately they became Uncommon Leaders of note. The really good news is that everyone can develop better leadership skills than they have today. But only with concerted effort and clear objectives can better skills are acquired.
So let’s take one very important trait of Uncommon Leaders and analyze it. The trait is that of “clarity of vision”. A Leader could have all of the other traits of the Uncommon Leader, but without clarity of vision he could never become an Uncommon Leader. The reason is very simple. Without a Clear vision, there is no rallying point. There is no way too get people fired up. There is no way create excitement.
Let’s take an example. Let’s say you are planning a sales conference for your top salespeople. However, you are not clear in your vision. You try and sell the idea to your salespeople by saying that the top salespeople, perhaps with their spouses, will go on a trip for a few days at a nice place.
Compare that to a having the same conference with a clear vision. You might say the top 10 salespeople will be flown down first class to Cancun with their spouses for a 7 day vacation getaway at the Ritz Carlton. While there, they will be wined and dined by the Chairman of the Board, the CEO, and the President of the Company.
Now lest you say that the trip sounds more exciting because it is Cancun, even Kansas City sound better that the unclear vision.
The top 10 salespeople will get an all expense paid vacation to Kansas City with their spouse for 7 days staying at the Courtyard by Marriot. While there they will dine with the Chairman of the Board, The CEO and the President of the Company.
Now I will grant you that The Kansas City story was not near as exciting as the Cancun story. However it was infinitely more impressive than the “someplace nice” story.
Do you work harder and better if you know clearly what your benefit will be at the end of your work? Imagine coming into your present employer for a job and when you brought up compensation he said we’ll see how it goes and decide then. Would you take the Job? Probably not, you want clarity.
Uncommon Leaders are great about getting really clear visions. They dream in Technicolor. When they share the vision you see it, you feel it, you taste it, and you smell it. They make it alive. They can only do that once it is truly clear in their mind. The better that clarity, the more uncommon of a leader you can become.
The big problem today is we seldom spend the time, thought and effort necessary to get the clarity and focus that would create momentum. Instead we get a fuzzy idea of about what we would like to do.
If you want to be an Uncommon Leader fuzzy is not OK. Get clarity, clarity about your values, your strengths and weaknesses. Get a clear picture of your vision for your life, your business and your family. Share that vision with those that are close to you. You will become excited and so will they. Once you have it crystal clear you have acquired the first trait of The Uncommon Leader. Congratulations!
Cheers to Success
Let’s start by defining what an Uncommon Leader looks like.
Uncommon Leaders fill a void by bringing direction and vision. They pull people together to use their resources (financial, mental, spiritual, physical, etc) to achieve an outcome that benefits everyone. They have tremendous charisma that influences people to want to achieve their best. They create momentum and motivation. They show others how to become better and achieve more. They help people hold themselves accountable. They support creativity and original thinking. They inspire action and greatness. They make things happen. They breed excitement and enthusiasm.
Now before you go out thinking that these super-human beings are all heads of corporations, political legends or NFL coaches, let’s clarify something right now. Everyone and I do mean everyone at some point in their life take on a leadership role. Any parent takes on a leadership role. Anyone who supervises employees has a leadership role. Anyone that works in a job that has some type of customer service has a leadership role.
As you look back at our definition of what is an Uncommon Leader could it not apply to a parent? They are leading a family. It’s not quite the same as leading the fifth infantry division, but it is still leadership. And frankly anyone that has any type of leadership role would love to hear themselves described as we described our Uncommon Leader above.
All Uncommon Leaders of great note in any area of life first became Uncommon Leaders in ways that were not so public and as they got better they became better known until ultimately they became Uncommon Leaders of note. The really good news is that everyone can develop better leadership skills than they have today. But only with concerted effort and clear objectives can better skills are acquired.
So let’s take one very important trait of Uncommon Leaders and analyze it. The trait is that of “clarity of vision”. A Leader could have all of the other traits of the Uncommon Leader, but without clarity of vision he could never become an Uncommon Leader. The reason is very simple. Without a Clear vision, there is no rallying point. There is no way too get people fired up. There is no way create excitement.
Let’s take an example. Let’s say you are planning a sales conference for your top salespeople. However, you are not clear in your vision. You try and sell the idea to your salespeople by saying that the top salespeople, perhaps with their spouses, will go on a trip for a few days at a nice place.
Compare that to a having the same conference with a clear vision. You might say the top 10 salespeople will be flown down first class to Cancun with their spouses for a 7 day vacation getaway at the Ritz Carlton. While there, they will be wined and dined by the Chairman of the Board, the CEO, and the President of the Company.
Now lest you say that the trip sounds more exciting because it is Cancun, even Kansas City sound better that the unclear vision.
The top 10 salespeople will get an all expense paid vacation to Kansas City with their spouse for 7 days staying at the Courtyard by Marriot. While there they will dine with the Chairman of the Board, The CEO and the President of the Company.
Now I will grant you that The Kansas City story was not near as exciting as the Cancun story. However it was infinitely more impressive than the “someplace nice” story.
Do you work harder and better if you know clearly what your benefit will be at the end of your work? Imagine coming into your present employer for a job and when you brought up compensation he said we’ll see how it goes and decide then. Would you take the Job? Probably not, you want clarity.
Uncommon Leaders are great about getting really clear visions. They dream in Technicolor. When they share the vision you see it, you feel it, you taste it, and you smell it. They make it alive. They can only do that once it is truly clear in their mind. The better that clarity, the more uncommon of a leader you can become.
The big problem today is we seldom spend the time, thought and effort necessary to get the clarity and focus that would create momentum. Instead we get a fuzzy idea of about what we would like to do.
If you want to be an Uncommon Leader fuzzy is not OK. Get clarity, clarity about your values, your strengths and weaknesses. Get a clear picture of your vision for your life, your business and your family. Share that vision with those that are close to you. You will become excited and so will they. Once you have it crystal clear you have acquired the first trait of The Uncommon Leader. Congratulations!
Cheers to Success
Leading Through Change
Being a strong change catalyst is critical to being an effective mentor. In order to “inspire others to continually strive for higher levels of performance through creative and strategic methods that are always focused to achieving your goals” you must move through the personal emotions that change creates so that you can effectively lead others. Here are some critical suggestions for assisting you in developing strong change management skills in order to assist the organization through transition periods.
1. Communicate upwards, not downwards or sideways.
During any type of change, it is natural to gain insight from your peers or to speak with people who report to you. When a change is first announced, most people react emotionally not logically. So if you are communicating to others based on emotion, you may be releasing some feelings that are not conducive to moving forward with new processes. Focus your communication with those above you for the purpose of understanding more of the reasons, results and ramifications of the change. Once you have information and feel comfortable with the direction, your communication downwards and sideways will be more logical in nature, rather than emotional. At this time your communication will assist the organization in consistently getting out the right message and helping others through their adaptation process. If negative or emotions escape, they are difficult to overcome later and may be detrimental to the success of the organization.
2. Hear others concerns without feeding into them.
You will be hearing many things during a time of change. Some information will be true, some will be assumptions, some will be misunderstandings and some will be created. Focus on what is being said and understanding the feelings. By asking more questions than making statements, you will be acknowledging the feelings of others without contributing to any true or false impressions. By asking strategic questions, you will also be helping others to assess their feelings and gain new insights.
3. Ask questions
Times of change are not times to be silent. It is not advised that you stuff your feelings, simply channel them in productive directions. Ask questions and seek to understand everything you need to know. Do not be afraid to ask the same questions over and over. Management is there to support the changes and help guide your journey to success.
4. Note your feelings and actions
Change is definitely a process. Many times change invokes initial fears of inadequacy or uncertainly. Then you may feel confusion and may feel as though everything was going along just fine before and now you feel a sense of disorder or chaos. Then you may experience times of disappointment or anger because this was not your vision or your idea of how things should be. Then there are times of hesitancy as you try the new methods but still feel comfortable with the old ways. And finally there is acceptance. This is now the time for the “new norm”. Things start to settle down and everyone falls into alignment with the new plan. Understand the stages of your feelings and ensure that you are moving in a positive direction through the continuum.
5. Gather followers
Surround yourself with positive influences and those who are successfully finding their way through the maze of changes. Look to them for answers and direction. Latch on to these change catalysts and follow their lead. They know the way.
6. Embrace the opportunity
Change is always a little scary because it is a place of unknown entities. Take time to explore the new picture and find where you feel comfortable in the grand scheme of things. Everyone must find their place in the new state of the organization. Look for opportunities of growth. Take this time to learn about yourself and explore your strengths. Seize this opportunity and look for ways to capitalize on the transformations. These changes may open up doors for you that you never knew existed. Seize this moment to drive your destiny!
Cheers to Success
1. Communicate upwards, not downwards or sideways.
During any type of change, it is natural to gain insight from your peers or to speak with people who report to you. When a change is first announced, most people react emotionally not logically. So if you are communicating to others based on emotion, you may be releasing some feelings that are not conducive to moving forward with new processes. Focus your communication with those above you for the purpose of understanding more of the reasons, results and ramifications of the change. Once you have information and feel comfortable with the direction, your communication downwards and sideways will be more logical in nature, rather than emotional. At this time your communication will assist the organization in consistently getting out the right message and helping others through their adaptation process. If negative or emotions escape, they are difficult to overcome later and may be detrimental to the success of the organization.
2. Hear others concerns without feeding into them.
You will be hearing many things during a time of change. Some information will be true, some will be assumptions, some will be misunderstandings and some will be created. Focus on what is being said and understanding the feelings. By asking more questions than making statements, you will be acknowledging the feelings of others without contributing to any true or false impressions. By asking strategic questions, you will also be helping others to assess their feelings and gain new insights.
3. Ask questions
Times of change are not times to be silent. It is not advised that you stuff your feelings, simply channel them in productive directions. Ask questions and seek to understand everything you need to know. Do not be afraid to ask the same questions over and over. Management is there to support the changes and help guide your journey to success.
4. Note your feelings and actions
Change is definitely a process. Many times change invokes initial fears of inadequacy or uncertainly. Then you may feel confusion and may feel as though everything was going along just fine before and now you feel a sense of disorder or chaos. Then you may experience times of disappointment or anger because this was not your vision or your idea of how things should be. Then there are times of hesitancy as you try the new methods but still feel comfortable with the old ways. And finally there is acceptance. This is now the time for the “new norm”. Things start to settle down and everyone falls into alignment with the new plan. Understand the stages of your feelings and ensure that you are moving in a positive direction through the continuum.
5. Gather followers
Surround yourself with positive influences and those who are successfully finding their way through the maze of changes. Look to them for answers and direction. Latch on to these change catalysts and follow their lead. They know the way.
6. Embrace the opportunity
Change is always a little scary because it is a place of unknown entities. Take time to explore the new picture and find where you feel comfortable in the grand scheme of things. Everyone must find their place in the new state of the organization. Look for opportunities of growth. Take this time to learn about yourself and explore your strengths. Seize this opportunity and look for ways to capitalize on the transformations. These changes may open up doors for you that you never knew existed. Seize this moment to drive your destiny!
Cheers to Success
How to Lead not Push: Being a True Leader
A common mistake inexperience leaders make is using authority when it is not needed. If you are the boss people have to do what you say right? So the easy way to get people to do what you want is to just use your authority muscle and show they that you are the boss. Right? Actually that is probably the easiest way because it doesn't rely on any true leadership skill. You are basically pushing your way toward what you want instead of leading the way.
A good leader knows how to actually lead people instead of pushing them. That means coming up with clever and sometimes subtle ways to get things done without beating people over the head with your authority. This doesn't mean that using authority is never called for, but a good leader will be able to operate 90% of the time without resorting to the "I am the boss" trump card.
A good leader will be able to create an environment where it is easy for people to head in the proper direction because it seems natural--not because they have to. They can do this because they understand the motivation and personalities of the people they lead. This isn't something that happens easily and most inexperienced leaders lack the skill and won't take the time to really understand their subordinates on that deep of a level.
When people are following your lead, they will work hard and achieve more than they ever thought possible. When you are pushing them, they will resist you. It might not be overt, but they definitely will not put the same passion into their work as they will when they are excited about where they are going and where you are taking them.
Leadership is not about having authority. Authority can be important, but leadership is really about leading. If leadership was about authority it would be called "driving" or "corralling" or "forcing your will", but it isn't. Leadership is about leading people--taking them places because they want to follow not because you are forcing them.
When a leader recognizes the difference between leading and pushing and chooses to to be a true leader, they are headed down the path toward greatness. Unfortunately most people in leadership positions are more worried about having authority than actually leading. They work hard to push people, but never really put any effort into really learning how to be a leader that people will want to follow.
Cheers to success
A good leader knows how to actually lead people instead of pushing them. That means coming up with clever and sometimes subtle ways to get things done without beating people over the head with your authority. This doesn't mean that using authority is never called for, but a good leader will be able to operate 90% of the time without resorting to the "I am the boss" trump card.
A good leader will be able to create an environment where it is easy for people to head in the proper direction because it seems natural--not because they have to. They can do this because they understand the motivation and personalities of the people they lead. This isn't something that happens easily and most inexperienced leaders lack the skill and won't take the time to really understand their subordinates on that deep of a level.
When people are following your lead, they will work hard and achieve more than they ever thought possible. When you are pushing them, they will resist you. It might not be overt, but they definitely will not put the same passion into their work as they will when they are excited about where they are going and where you are taking them.
Leadership is not about having authority. Authority can be important, but leadership is really about leading. If leadership was about authority it would be called "driving" or "corralling" or "forcing your will", but it isn't. Leadership is about leading people--taking them places because they want to follow not because you are forcing them.
When a leader recognizes the difference between leading and pushing and chooses to to be a true leader, they are headed down the path toward greatness. Unfortunately most people in leadership positions are more worried about having authority than actually leading. They work hard to push people, but never really put any effort into really learning how to be a leader that people will want to follow.
Cheers to success
How to,
leadership management,
7 Reasons Why Great Leaders Are Not Part Of Their Team
There has been so much emphasis, in recent years, on being a team player that many managers who work their way up through the ranks in an organization simply can't cut it as leaders. Why? Because no-one has taught them that once you are the leader you are no longer part of the team.
Let's look at seven reasons why great leaders are not members of their team.
(1) Vision
Jesus wasn't one of the apostles he was the reason that the apostles existed as apostles.
The leader has to create the vision that brings the team into existence and binds them together with a common sense of purpose. He or she is not part of that team they are above the team. The team exists to help the leader achieve the leader's vision.
Look into your history books to see who have had the greatest influences on the direction that the human race has gone and you will find it lists great individuals. You won't find any leaderless committees amongst the movers and shakers of our civilization
(2) Final Decision
Great leaders don't run their organizations on a majority rules system. Could you imagine Donald Trump running a referendum amongst his 20,000 employees to ask which way he should go on his major business decisions? If you think he does then "you're fired"!
Great leaders seek the counsel of their inner team but then they make the decision and the team abides by it.
(3) Familiarity breeds Contempt
It is important that the leader keeps some distance between himself or herself and the other members of the team. They can remain friendly but they should no longer be drinking buddies.
This is where so many internally appointed managers have problems. Before they were appointed as manager they were part of the team socially as well as at work. After they are promoted they try to continue as just one of the social set away from the office. It doesn't work.
Leaders socialize with other leaders not with the team. If you don't have what it takes to do that then you are not ready for the job.
(4) Hard Decisions
From time to time the leader will be required to make hard decisions that are not always popular with the team. One example of this is replacing a team member that is not up to scratch.
If the team is a good one then they have been trained to stick together and work as a unit. One potential problem with this is that they may not be objective in seeing the shortfall of one of their buddies. This sort of decision is best made from outside the team.
(5) Inspiration
The leader has to be able to inspire the team. In order to do this well the leader has to be perceived by the team members as being above the team. The good leader sets a higher level of example than any team member and they too have to see their role as being above the team.
(6) Disclosure
The good leader cannot always let the team know everything that is going on. The job of the team is to do their particular function to the best of their ability.
This is usually achieved by having them focus exclusively on that function and the desired outcome that was set by their leader. Giving the team too much information above and beyond that is likely to be an unwanted distraction to that focus.
The leader, on the other hand, may need to be aware of how their team's purpose fits into a larger picture. In order to keep these distractions away from the team the leader has to firmly believe that he or she is not part of that team and has no duty of disclosure to the team. The leader's duty is to the higher purpose.
(7) Morale
Part of the leader's role is to ensure that there is good team morale. The leader has to always convey strength and positive attitude to the team, regardless of what they may know of the difficulties that exist. Again this is best achieved if the leader knows in their heart that they are above the team and part of a greater purpose.
Leadership can be a very rewarding thing but it is also more isolated than the role of team member. For this reason it is very beneficial for a leader to be a part of a mastermind group but that is a discussion for another time.
Cheers to success
Let's look at seven reasons why great leaders are not members of their team.
(1) Vision
Jesus wasn't one of the apostles he was the reason that the apostles existed as apostles.
The leader has to create the vision that brings the team into existence and binds them together with a common sense of purpose. He or she is not part of that team they are above the team. The team exists to help the leader achieve the leader's vision.
Look into your history books to see who have had the greatest influences on the direction that the human race has gone and you will find it lists great individuals. You won't find any leaderless committees amongst the movers and shakers of our civilization
(2) Final Decision
Great leaders don't run their organizations on a majority rules system. Could you imagine Donald Trump running a referendum amongst his 20,000 employees to ask which way he should go on his major business decisions? If you think he does then "you're fired"!
Great leaders seek the counsel of their inner team but then they make the decision and the team abides by it.
(3) Familiarity breeds Contempt
It is important that the leader keeps some distance between himself or herself and the other members of the team. They can remain friendly but they should no longer be drinking buddies.
This is where so many internally appointed managers have problems. Before they were appointed as manager they were part of the team socially as well as at work. After they are promoted they try to continue as just one of the social set away from the office. It doesn't work.
Leaders socialize with other leaders not with the team. If you don't have what it takes to do that then you are not ready for the job.
(4) Hard Decisions
From time to time the leader will be required to make hard decisions that are not always popular with the team. One example of this is replacing a team member that is not up to scratch.
If the team is a good one then they have been trained to stick together and work as a unit. One potential problem with this is that they may not be objective in seeing the shortfall of one of their buddies. This sort of decision is best made from outside the team.
(5) Inspiration
The leader has to be able to inspire the team. In order to do this well the leader has to be perceived by the team members as being above the team. The good leader sets a higher level of example than any team member and they too have to see their role as being above the team.
(6) Disclosure
The good leader cannot always let the team know everything that is going on. The job of the team is to do their particular function to the best of their ability.
This is usually achieved by having them focus exclusively on that function and the desired outcome that was set by their leader. Giving the team too much information above and beyond that is likely to be an unwanted distraction to that focus.
The leader, on the other hand, may need to be aware of how their team's purpose fits into a larger picture. In order to keep these distractions away from the team the leader has to firmly believe that he or she is not part of that team and has no duty of disclosure to the team. The leader's duty is to the higher purpose.
(7) Morale
Part of the leader's role is to ensure that there is good team morale. The leader has to always convey strength and positive attitude to the team, regardless of what they may know of the difficulties that exist. Again this is best achieved if the leader knows in their heart that they are above the team and part of a greater purpose.
Leadership can be a very rewarding thing but it is also more isolated than the role of team member. For this reason it is very beneficial for a leader to be a part of a mastermind group but that is a discussion for another time.
Cheers to success
Strategies Used By Successful Leaders
One of the most important strategies employed by any successful leader is the analysis of the environment he is operating in. You can only affect the external world if you understand the possibilities and limitations of the environment you are working in.
Information is the most essential tool for decision making. Leaders analyze the operating environments regularly as well as at times of major upheavals using ethical means, experienced specialists and the appropriate data-collection techniques to gather information from a wide variety of sources. This gives them a clear idea of the current scenario as well as a basis for forecasting future changes and predicting market trends. future changes and predicting market trends. Thorough annual analysis, coupled with quarterly reviews can enable leaders to make long term plans and respond in a timely and appropriate manner to any changes that may impact the organization.
The main trends that a leader needs to always monitor include:
1. The External Environment
A leader must study the external environment in which his organization has to function. What are the boundaries and the components of this environment? What are the operating social, economic, political, technological and environmental issues that impact the situation? For instance, he can study trends in consumer buying patterns and make accurate market forecasts by studying the social patterns, cultural and demographic changes in the markets. These changes happen steadily over time. But there can also be discrete changes like replacement of certain services or products by a technologically advanced product. His objective must be to identify and predict all such changes in his operating environment by gathering and reviewing information from valid and reliable sources.
2. The Competition
Another factor a leader must continually monitor is his competition. He must identify the existing and potential organizations which are or can be his competitors and gather plus forecast information regarding their activities. He must know the weaknesses and strengths of his competitors. He must also evaluate the impact of new entrants on the competitive scenario. The reason for this analysis is self-evident. The market is limited and all organizations which offer the same value – product or service – will be competing for a piece of the same cake. Studying competitor activity can be vital in staying on top of the game.
3. The Stakeholders
A leader must also know that he is answerable to his stakeholders, both within the organization as well as outside the organization. Stakeholders may include managers and staff, suppliers and trade unions, clients and customers, funding partners and sponsors, shareholders, media, business partners and even local government departments. In specific sectors, there could be additional stakeholders for instance patient relatives in the hospital sector or parents of children studying in a school. He must identify all such stakeholders and their relative importance. He must understand their needs and keep them in mind while making decisions. He must communicate the values and strategies of the organization to them, so that they continue to support the same. He must also take the responsibility for conflict resolution.
4. The Organization’s Internal Condition
A leader must regularly carry out a thorough analysis of his Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This comprehensive review must include factors such as location, building condition, vehicles, equipment, plant and machinery, funding and operational efficiency. HE must also review processes and procedures that affect the productivity of his human resources – recruitment, training and development and retention. The aim of this exercise is to build a realistic and detailed picture of the current condition of the organization and its functioning.
Based on the analysis of all the above factors, a leader must make adjustments wherever necessary:
1. Strategic Adjustments
An organization must be capable of adaptation and change in order to survive. A static organization is bound to deteriorate and eventually fail in the face of a more responsive and dynamic competition. It’s a vital part of a leader’s responsibility to monitor the need for adjustments in the overall strategic direction of the firm as well as changes required in specific strategies and objectives. The above analysis of the competition, operating environment and stakeholder needs has to be evaluated against the existing direction and strategies of the organization. If required, he must be willing to change or modify these or even replace them entirely with new strategies, of course in consultation with key stakeholders and specialists.
2. Systems and Structures Adjustments:
Once new strategies and operational objectives are decided, the next step is to evaluate whether the existing structures and systems can support the new objectives. If the quality, operational or cultural systems currently in place are not appropriate, they must be changed. All such proposed changes have to be carefully implemented in consultation with all affected stakeholders. All policies and procedures must be carefully reviewed and modified in light of the new objectives, if the new strategic direction needs to succeed.
3. Adjustments to Operational Objectives:
Changes in strategic direction will have a direct impact on the operational objectives. The operational activity cannot continue and must be brought in line with the new strategic direction and objectives of the organization. A leader must also put in place procedures to monitor, adjust and control operational objectives as required. He must also implement appropriate quality assurance systems so quality standards can be maintained.
4. Personnel Adjustments:
New objectives will require new skills and capabilities. It is important to evaluate the current and potential capabilities of key personnel and teams vis-à-vis the performance requirements as per the new strategic direction and objectives of the organization. The evaluation may make the leader conclude the areas where retraining or employee development is required or where entire teams need to be replaced. He must implement appropriate performance appraisal systems to ensure that the best individuals and teams are in charge of achieving the new objectives of the organization. People are the key to the successful implementation of any strategy.
To conclude, a leader’s most critical job is to analyze the operating environment of his organization. The most critical role is to stay informed about the current and potential challenges facing the organization. This will enable him to select and implement the most appropriate strategic direction using the most optimal resources.
Cheers to success
Information is the most essential tool for decision making. Leaders analyze the operating environments regularly as well as at times of major upheavals using ethical means, experienced specialists and the appropriate data-collection techniques to gather information from a wide variety of sources. This gives them a clear idea of the current scenario as well as a basis for forecasting future changes and predicting market trends. future changes and predicting market trends. Thorough annual analysis, coupled with quarterly reviews can enable leaders to make long term plans and respond in a timely and appropriate manner to any changes that may impact the organization.
The main trends that a leader needs to always monitor include:
1. The External Environment
A leader must study the external environment in which his organization has to function. What are the boundaries and the components of this environment? What are the operating social, economic, political, technological and environmental issues that impact the situation? For instance, he can study trends in consumer buying patterns and make accurate market forecasts by studying the social patterns, cultural and demographic changes in the markets. These changes happen steadily over time. But there can also be discrete changes like replacement of certain services or products by a technologically advanced product. His objective must be to identify and predict all such changes in his operating environment by gathering and reviewing information from valid and reliable sources.
2. The Competition
Another factor a leader must continually monitor is his competition. He must identify the existing and potential organizations which are or can be his competitors and gather plus forecast information regarding their activities. He must know the weaknesses and strengths of his competitors. He must also evaluate the impact of new entrants on the competitive scenario. The reason for this analysis is self-evident. The market is limited and all organizations which offer the same value – product or service – will be competing for a piece of the same cake. Studying competitor activity can be vital in staying on top of the game.
3. The Stakeholders
A leader must also know that he is answerable to his stakeholders, both within the organization as well as outside the organization. Stakeholders may include managers and staff, suppliers and trade unions, clients and customers, funding partners and sponsors, shareholders, media, business partners and even local government departments. In specific sectors, there could be additional stakeholders for instance patient relatives in the hospital sector or parents of children studying in a school. He must identify all such stakeholders and their relative importance. He must understand their needs and keep them in mind while making decisions. He must communicate the values and strategies of the organization to them, so that they continue to support the same. He must also take the responsibility for conflict resolution.
4. The Organization’s Internal Condition
A leader must regularly carry out a thorough analysis of his Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This comprehensive review must include factors such as location, building condition, vehicles, equipment, plant and machinery, funding and operational efficiency. HE must also review processes and procedures that affect the productivity of his human resources – recruitment, training and development and retention. The aim of this exercise is to build a realistic and detailed picture of the current condition of the organization and its functioning.
Based on the analysis of all the above factors, a leader must make adjustments wherever necessary:
1. Strategic Adjustments
An organization must be capable of adaptation and change in order to survive. A static organization is bound to deteriorate and eventually fail in the face of a more responsive and dynamic competition. It’s a vital part of a leader’s responsibility to monitor the need for adjustments in the overall strategic direction of the firm as well as changes required in specific strategies and objectives. The above analysis of the competition, operating environment and stakeholder needs has to be evaluated against the existing direction and strategies of the organization. If required, he must be willing to change or modify these or even replace them entirely with new strategies, of course in consultation with key stakeholders and specialists.
2. Systems and Structures Adjustments:
Once new strategies and operational objectives are decided, the next step is to evaluate whether the existing structures and systems can support the new objectives. If the quality, operational or cultural systems currently in place are not appropriate, they must be changed. All such proposed changes have to be carefully implemented in consultation with all affected stakeholders. All policies and procedures must be carefully reviewed and modified in light of the new objectives, if the new strategic direction needs to succeed.
3. Adjustments to Operational Objectives:
Changes in strategic direction will have a direct impact on the operational objectives. The operational activity cannot continue and must be brought in line with the new strategic direction and objectives of the organization. A leader must also put in place procedures to monitor, adjust and control operational objectives as required. He must also implement appropriate quality assurance systems so quality standards can be maintained.
4. Personnel Adjustments:
New objectives will require new skills and capabilities. It is important to evaluate the current and potential capabilities of key personnel and teams vis-à-vis the performance requirements as per the new strategic direction and objectives of the organization. The evaluation may make the leader conclude the areas where retraining or employee development is required or where entire teams need to be replaced. He must implement appropriate performance appraisal systems to ensure that the best individuals and teams are in charge of achieving the new objectives of the organization. People are the key to the successful implementation of any strategy.
To conclude, a leader’s most critical job is to analyze the operating environment of his organization. The most critical role is to stay informed about the current and potential challenges facing the organization. This will enable him to select and implement the most appropriate strategic direction using the most optimal resources.
Cheers to success
6 ways to be a Great LEADER
Being a leader is not always pleasing. Some even think of it as a burden. Some end up being a failure in completing this challenging task.
But, what if you are in a situation where you have to lead a certain group, yet you don’t know how to do it?
Then, you need to learn first.
Below are some characters a leader must have:
(1) Confident
You need to be a very confident person. No fear, no doubt. By being confident, you can draw out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. You can also be a good inspiration for the team members.
(2) Communicative
You must be able to communicate your goals and enthusiasm. That way, your team member would understand more about the mission and their responsibilities. If possible, explain in details to avoid unnecessary mistakes while your team is performing the task.
(3) Anticipative
A good leader is someone who can anticipate all possibilities. Yes, you must be able to anticipate both opportunities and problems related to your missions. Prepare plan A, B, or C to avoid getting stuck
(4) Enthusiastic
How the team would end up being if you are a dispassionate person? You should be the one who motivate the whole team. That is why it is necessary to be enthusiastic
(5) Analytic
Being a leader you must be able to manage the team. You need to know how to put the right person on the right position. You also need to know how to guide the team in completing the tasks the best way possible.
(6) Self-Controlled
No panic. A leader cannot be panicked over any circumstances. Think of any crises as part of the ride. You need to know how to control yourself and of course the rest of the team members.
Cheers to success
But, what if you are in a situation where you have to lead a certain group, yet you don’t know how to do it?
Then, you need to learn first.
Below are some characters a leader must have:
(1) Confident
You need to be a very confident person. No fear, no doubt. By being confident, you can draw out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. You can also be a good inspiration for the team members.
(2) Communicative
You must be able to communicate your goals and enthusiasm. That way, your team member would understand more about the mission and their responsibilities. If possible, explain in details to avoid unnecessary mistakes while your team is performing the task.
(3) Anticipative
A good leader is someone who can anticipate all possibilities. Yes, you must be able to anticipate both opportunities and problems related to your missions. Prepare plan A, B, or C to avoid getting stuck
(4) Enthusiastic
How the team would end up being if you are a dispassionate person? You should be the one who motivate the whole team. That is why it is necessary to be enthusiastic
(5) Analytic
Being a leader you must be able to manage the team. You need to know how to put the right person on the right position. You also need to know how to guide the team in completing the tasks the best way possible.
(6) Self-Controlled
No panic. A leader cannot be panicked over any circumstances. Think of any crises as part of the ride. You need to know how to control yourself and of course the rest of the team members.
Cheers to success
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